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Terms and conditions


Article 1. Definitions In these general terms and conditions, the following definitions apply:

  • Related Services: Additional work not involving the supply of Furniture & Decorations;
  • Contracting Party: Any natural person or legal entity to whom KeyPro has made an offer, issued a quotation, or with whom KeyPro has concluded an Agreement or Assignment;
  • Third Parties: Natural persons or legal entities not affiliated with KeyPro.
  • Durable Medium: Any means that enables the Contracting Party or KeyPro to store information directed to the Contracting Party in a way that allows future consultation and unaltered reproduction of the stored information;
  • KeyPro: The private limited company KeyPro B.V., hereinafter: ‘KeyPro’, established in Groningen, also having an office in Amsterdam, as the user of these general terms and conditions;
  • Distance Purchase: The Agreement or Assignment concluded via the digital Shop;
  • Furniture & Decorations: Interior furnishings in the broadest sense for residential use and sales (re)styling;
  • Model Withdrawal Form: The form attached as ANNEX 1 to these general terms and conditions, which allows the natural person to notify within the cooling-off period that they wish to terminate the Agreement or Assignment;
  • Natural Person: A person not acting in the exercise of a profession or business;
  • Unforeseen Circumstances: Circumstances that KeyPro and the Contracting Party could not have foreseen when concluding an Agreement or Assignment;
  • Assignment: The Furniture & Decorations to be supplied or Related Services to be performed by KeyPro arising from the Agreement;
  • Agreement: The Agreement concluded between KeyPro and the Contracting Party;
  • Conditions: These general terms and conditions.

Article 2. Scope 2.1. These Conditions apply to all legal acts of KeyPro, including but not limited to the quotations and contact forms prepared and sent by KeyPro, as well as to the Agreement(s) and Assignment concluded between KeyPro and the Contracting Party and the preceding legal relationships. 2.2. If any provision of these Conditions is nullified, void, or otherwise unenforceable, the valid portion thereof shall remain in force. The nullified, void, or unenforceable portion shall be replaced by a provision that reflects the intent of the original provision and aligns with the rest of the Conditions, to the maximum extent legally permissible. 2.3. The Contracting Party’s general terms and conditions do not apply and are expressly rejected.

Article 3. Offer and Conclusion of the Agreement 3.1. Any offer is non-binding and valid for 30 days from the date of issuance unless otherwise stated in the quotation. KeyPro is only bound once the Agreement and/or Assignment has been accepted in writing within the set period of 30 days or, in the case of a non-written order confirmation, when the work has commenced. 3.2. The agreed price for the Agreement and/or Assignment is exclusive of VAT, levies, import duties, and other taxes and/or duties unless explicitly stated otherwise. 3.3. Prices quoted by KeyPro are based on prices known at the time of the quotation or offer, including raw materials, materials, labor costs, social security contributions, excise duties, levies, and taxes directly or indirectly imposed on KeyPro. If these prices change after the conclusion of the Agreement and/or Assignment, KeyPro has the right to pass these changes on to the Contracting Party. If the Contracting Party is a Natural Person, KeyPro has this right up to three (3) months after the Agreement or Assignment is concluded. The Contracting Party has the right to terminate the Agreement and/or Assignment without being liable for any compensation if the price increase exceeds 15% of the originally quoted or offered price. 3.4. If the Contracting Party wishes to make changes to the Assignment and/or Agreement after receiving the order confirmation or after the commencement of work, KeyPro is only bound by the change after written approval. In such cases, KeyPro is always entitled to charge all resulting costs, including lost profits and expenses, to the Contracting Party. 3.5. The Agreement and/or Assignment is concluded when the Contracting Party accepts the offer and fulfills the associated obligations and/or conditions.

[Further articles continue in the same structured manner, detailing rental, sale, withdrawal rights, related services, liability, force majeure, confidentiality, intellectual property, and dispute resolution.]


Model Form for Termination/Withdrawal (Complete and return this form only if you wish to terminate/withdraw from the agreement.)

To: KeyPro B.V., Rigaweg 12, 9723 TH Groningen, Phone: 085-00 22 110, Email:

I/We () hereby inform you that I/We () wish to withdraw from our agreement regarding the sale of the following goods/provision of the following service (*):

Ordered on () / Received on ():

Name(s) of consumer(s):

Address of consumer(s):

Signature of consumer(s): (Only if this form is submitted on paper)


(*) Strike out what does not apply.